Handwriting Experts USA Rates
Each of our cases contains a variety of questioned documents, known documents, and even suspect documents. Some cases are much more complex than others. Some cases require on-site microscopic examination, photographs, and court exhibits. Some cases require less time and less forensic equipment to complete the assignment. We can provide a agreed upon flat rate based on your specific case.
No surprises. No Guess work.
Call us now for an exact quote by telling us about your case. 214-614-8122
Initial document review and consultation can be turned around in a little as 1-5 business days. The more complicated cases which include multiple Questioned documents, multiple suspects, or specific advanced forensic tests will take longer. Fully compliant reports for both civil and criminal cases. Call our team of forensic document examiners for an exact quote and turnaround time on your case.
Just call Bart’s office at 214-614-8122
Flat Rate Billing
New Forensic Document Examination Case, Lab Work, Verbal Opintion & Written Declaration
(Please be ready to tell use about the number of questioned documents, the number of known and suspect documents as well as the whether or not there are original docucments to be examined.)

If you are planning on hiring a document examiner soley based on the price on someone's best, you might want to pick up the phone and investigate the com Examiner's actual experience, credentials, and read every client review. The outcome for all of our clients is to increase the chances you win your case or you settle before court with an outcome in your favor. The wrong expert can cost people hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Despite Mr. Baggett's deep experience and fame, he has maintained a similar price structure as his graduating students and industry peers so that the clients can choose based on 'quality' and not price.
Choose your expert based on quality. Also remember that many or our competitors advertised a low upfront price and and then charge you extra for each additional service. In the end, we are often the least expensive option and the company with the best service to help you win your case.

Bart Baggett has been court qualified and testified in Texas, California, New York, Alaska, and Arizona Courts in cases ranging from the value of a 1974 Pickup truck to the "stock certificate" of a 20 million dollar company. When your case requires the most polished, professional, and articulate forensic document expert witness working today, hire Bart Baggett. Call and speak with him today.
Would you like to speak to a live person before you submit your case?
Just call Bart’s office at 214-614-8122
Bart Baggett – Forensic Handwriting Expert
Office Hours 8 am-8 pm Monday -Friday
We have offices Nationwide.
Toll-Free 800-980-9030
Baggett Helps Client Recover $6,600
Your testimony and support during this lawsuit by my x-girlfriend has been nothing short of amazing. The judge awarded me full amount of the $6,600 and finally I can sleep at night."
~ Mike Juaraz,
East Los Angeles
"Thanks you soooooo much for going above and beyond. Your testimony was the key the criminal lawsuit against me. The jury found me NOT GUILTY on all counts. They obviously believed you instead of that Police document examiner the D.A. hired.
I was so impressed you handled that District Attorney with such professionalism... he knew you were right, but couldn't make you look bad on the witness stand.
I have my life back. Thank you, Mr. Baggett!"
~ Amir Dawood, Attorney
San Bernadino, CA
"When you need a professional handwriting expert of the highest standards, hire Bart Baggett. He is honest, quick, direct... and will deliver an objective expert opinion, every time. I recommend him without hesitation."
~ Richard J. Riordan
39th Mayor of Los Angeles
"Bart Baggett is the best expert witness I've ever worked with. What's more, he successfully testified for my client via telephone in a live trial here in Alaska. He even "consulted with me" on how best to cross-examine the defense's document examiner. We won the trial and I recommend him whole heartedly."
~ Jim Fry, Attorney
Anchorage, Alaska
"Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter. Your opinion letter may become enough to prevent a trial."
~ Sandra G. Slater
Phoenix, AZ